Adjunct Lecturers - Benefits Eligibility Deadline January 28

Adjunct Lecturers - Benefits Eligibility Deadline January 28

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 09:40
SUNY Poly News Logo

Attention all adjunct lecturers:  If you currently teach two or more courses for SUNY Poly, you are eligible for employee benefits.  


These benefits include health insurance, dental, vision and life.  If you are already enrolled in another employer-sponsored health insurance, that is not through NYS, then you may also be eligible for an opt-out incentive program that would pay you a specific dollar amount per pay period for opting out of the NYS health insurance plan.


In addition, you are also eligible to enroll in one of two NYS employee pension plans, either the NYS Employees' Retirement Plan or the NYS Teachers' Retirement Plan.


If you meet the eligibility requirements for benefits as stated above and have not already completed the necessary paperwork and would like to enroll in one or more of these plans, please contact Audra Cornelius at 315-792-7194 or to obtain all of the required forms.


The due date for these forms is January 28 so please act soon.


If you have any questions, please contact Audra Cornelius as soon as possible.
