Administrative Judicial Board volunteers wanted

Administrative Judicial Board volunteers wanted

Friday, August 25, 2017 - 09:57
SUNY Poly News Logo

Apply to serve on the Administrative Judicial Board for 2017-2018.

The Office of Community Standards (formerly Student Conduct) is looking for student volunteers to serve on SUNY Poly's hearing board.

Qualified candidates should possess:

  • sound judgment and insight
  • maturity and a strong sense of personal integrity
  • the ability to maintain confidentiality

the ability to balance individual rights, circumstances with the community standards of SUNY Poly, and the Code of Student Conduct

Eligible students must have completed at least one full semester of course work at SUNY Poly and be in good academic and social standing (i.e. not on probation). Graduate Students are welcome to apply.

Contact Megan Wyett Lennon ( if you are interested. There will be a brief application to complete and an informational interview.
