Albany Student Press: One little word might be all you need

Albany Student Press: One little word might be all you need

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 12:20
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you the following article that was published by the Albany Student Press :

If an organization is trying to plan an event, they will need a solution that will efficiently reach people, invite them, estimate numbers, and send reminders so that attendance is up to par. A college student and a freelance developer may have found the solution in the form of an app.

Matthew Jaslove, a student at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (SUNY Poly CNSE), and Adam Syrop, a freelance web developer based in the U.K., created the app It allows event organizers to sign up with a keyword relevant to their occasion. Attendees then text the keyword to the app’s phone number to sign up, and the app will remind them the day before and the day of the event. A follow up message will also be sent the next day.’s messages are automatically sent from the site, and automatically generated with event details, although organizers can add additional information.

Should an event’s details change, a mass text will be sent out from the site. If an event is cancelled, the “It’s Not On” button will be activated and a mass text will be sent out.

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The app lets organizations utilize text message alerts to keep people informed about upcoming events and parties.

“Creating a meaningful application requires solving a real world problem,” Jaslove said. “In my opinion, I believe text message alerts are more efficient than email alerts because they appear as push notifications on our phones.”

Each part of the app was created systemically, according to Jaslove. The team began working on the “backend” system using the programs PHP and JavaScript, and then worked their way up to the user interface using coding systems such as CSS and HTML.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Jaslove is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Nanoscale Engineering and aspires to work in the nano-electronics industry after graduation.

Syrop lives in Bradford, England and has been a freelance developer since 2003. His work includes 3D animation, PC web and repair training, website and print work, and work in video.

The two met after Syrop attempted to buy the website name from Jaslove, after he had purchased the name in auction. The two then decided to work together.

“I purchased this name because I had an initial app idea, and I also saw value in the name since it was originally registered in 1999. Adam emailed me just a few months later and asked me to purchase the domain. I kindly denied his offer and we later began to collaborate on an idea,” Jaslove explained.

Jaslove hopes to see colleges and universities purchasing licenses of the app in order to cater to student organizations. Currently ABLE and Swipe With a Purpose are using and supporting the app.

The website is currently in beta testing and is offering free keywords for those creating events, as well as a feedback page on the site. The website will be offering free keywords until April of this year.

Currently, users must text their keyword to 914-334-2130.

“I wouldn’t be opposed to a potential buyout down the line,” he said. “But right now, I want to focus on building the brand.”


By Rose Schneider & Jacob Spiegel Staff Writers April 14, 2015
