Are your course texts on 2 hour reserve at the library?

Are your course texts on 2 hour reserve at the library?

Monday, August 28, 2017 - 09:27
SUNY Poly News Logo
Thanks in part to a generous grant from the College Association, the library has purchased some fall 2017 course texts to keep on 2 hour reserve at the library circulation desk for use by your students.  We hope that doing so makes a small contribution to college access and affordability!
If you have extra copies of any course texts and would like to put them on reserve, please send the items to us along with a copy of our online reserves form, or contact us via
* * * * * * * 
​Since new texts are arriving daily, we do not yet have a comprehensive list of what will be available for the fall semester.  But​, the library catalog is being updated continuously, so keep checking back.
​Using the library catalog to find course reserves by instructor can be tricky, so we've created a website with instructions.  Access it here:
​Finally, and I appreciate those you you who have stayed with me thus far, we have many many ebooks that are being used in your courses.  Ebooks are accessible through the "Search Everything" SUNY Poly Discovery Service box on the library homepage.
​Don't hesitate to get back in touch if there is anything further I can do for you!
​ and best wishes for a tremendous semester,​
Rebecca Hewitt
Cayan Library L143, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Voice  315-792-7319  |  Internet  |  Skype  rebecca.hewitt
