Area Development Online: Regional Report: Mid-Atlantic Region Retaining & Growing Jobs Through Diversification

Area Development Online: Regional Report: Mid-Atlantic Region Retaining & Growing Jobs Through Diversification

Thursday, January 14, 2016 - 11:17
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Mid-Atlantic States are putting measures in place to retain their traditional manufacturing jobs, while also securing investments in pharma, wellness-based food, and other emerging sectors.

Dale D. Buss, Staff Editor,  (Directory 2016)

Companies and employment in the Mid-Atlantic region are getting roiled by everything from the plunging prices of oil and other commodities to changes in manufacturing technology and the impact of the strong dollar on exports. Development efforts in the Mid-Atlantic States have been focusing not only on battling these headwinds but also on securing new investments in facilities and jobs in the economy’s fast-growing areas ranging from pharmaceuticals to bioengineering to all-natural foods to digital technologies.

Job Retention, Diversification But occasionally, attempting to ensure the economic future of the region is as simple as going to the mat to help companies and preserve jobs that are already there. That’s exactly what happened in November after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer came up with an incentive package that lured Alcoa into keeping open two plants in the Syracuse area.

