Arts in Education Week "Coffee House"

Arts in Education Week "Coffee House"

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 15:06
SUNY Poly News Logo

Arts in Education Week, a national celebration recognizing the transformative power of the arts in education, begins next week, September 12 through Friday, September 16, 2016 ! Designated by Congress in 2010 through House Resolution, 275, the celebration is designated to bring attention to this cause to elected officials and educational decision makers across the country and to support equitable access to the arts for all students.

The Cultural & Performing Arts Committee and Residence Life have collaborated on marking the start of Arts in Education Week by hosting a Coffee House in the Residential Life Suite, Campus Center, 9 AM to 11 AM , on Monday, September 12th; this event will feature a reading of the Proclamation and an introduction of the week's events! Please join us and on Monday  and throughout the week for some great Arts in Education events!
