Attn: UUP represented employees - new dental option available -
DeltaCare USA DHMO

Attn: UUP represented employees - new dental option available -
DeltaCare USA DHMO

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 16:56
SUNY Poly News Logo

The UUP Benefit Trust Fund is rolling out a second option to our active dental plan. Please see the following attachments that are displayed on the UUP website and which are attached. Open enrollment is November 1, 2013 – December 1, 2013.

Please note that this is an HMO-type dental plan. You will need to designate a dentist that is participating to enroll in this plan. The only dentist that participates in the Utica area is Aspen Dental. A full list of the participating providers in other areas can be found by accessing Delta Dental’s website from the UUP website link.

Any questions regarding enrollment should be directed to the UUP Benefit Trust Fund at 1-800-887-3863.


DHMO Fee Schedule (pdf)

NY enrollment/change form (pdf)

UUP DeltaCare Option - HBAs (pdf)
