On Behalf of President Kaloyeros

On Behalf of President Kaloyeros

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 14:32
SUNY Poly News Logo


Great news! The Middle States Commission on Higher Education has reaffirmed SUNY Poly's accreditation. It is a full-term accreditation and is remarkable in that the entire review occurred in the midst of our merger. This is a glowing testimony to our faculty, staff, and students.

I want to extend my personal thanks to the entire SUNY Poly community for a job well done. The preparation and the conduct of the campus visit reflected our high level of collegiality and teamwork and were pivotal in achieving this outcome.

We understood from the outset that implementation of some portions of some standards were "in the works" and would result in a request for a progress report. Indeed we will need to finalize a number of expectations and report on April 1, 2018.

Congratulations and thanks again!
