Buffalo Business First: Gov. Cuomo: 'Seeing is Believing'

Buffalo Business First: Gov. Cuomo: 'Seeing is Believing'

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 11:03
SUNY Poly News Logo

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="381"] solar-riverbend*750xx3264-1836-0-306.jpg The addition of SolarCity Corp. to Buffalo is giving the area a big lift. (JF Fotography)[/caption]

After decades of failed promises and benign neglect from Albany, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he understands why area leaders were so skeptical when he unveiled “Buffalo Billion” economic development initiative four years ago.

“I understood Buffalo’s pessimism,” Cuomo said.

That’s why, besides the bricks-and-mortar aspect of the “Buffalo Billion,” Cuomo hoped the program coupled with other initiatives would lift the community’s collective psyche.

It has.

Using the 1.2 million-square-foot SolarCity Corp. plant in South Buffalo as the poster child for the region’s economic resurgence, Cuomo believes Buffalo’s collective mojo is coming back.

