The Buffalo News: First steps taken for a smooth hiring at

The Buffalo News: First steps taken for a smooth hiring at

Tuesday, August 4, 2015 - 10:19
SUNY Poly News Logo

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="331"] AR-150809748.jpg&maxW=602&maxH=602&AlignV=top&Q=80 Construction continues at SolarCity, Riverbend, in Buffalo. (John Hickey/Buffalo News file photo)[/caption]

State Labor Department representatives next month will begin prescreening applicants for SolarCity’s new solar panel manufacturing plant in South Buffalo, as the first step in the company’s eventual hiring of more than 1,500 workers and the creation of some 3,000 jobs in all.

With officials expecting many thousands of people to apply for jobs at the new SolarCity facility, the state is working with the company, local schools and training programs, and other organizations to ensure a smooth hiring process to get the operation up and running as quickly as possible.

The goal is to help the company by weeding out those applicants who don’t have the desired or necessary skills and education to make the cut, before they even get to interview. That means candidates will be evaluated on their math and reading level, as well as their ability to maneuver in a “clean room” environment.

Already, officials are starting to direct potential job applicants to go online to SolarCity’s website to start the process and get into the company’s database, but that’s just the beginning. Actual hiring will start out slow this fall with more skilled and administrative jobs, but will ramp up quickly beginning in January when the focus shifts to the actual manufacturing positions. The company plans to add about 200 to 300 jobs per quarter through the end of next year, as it targets full ramp-up.

Jobs are now being posted online, either at the company’s  website or through the state Labor Department. The company is currently creating a “finder” page to help job-seekers, and the state’s Jobs Express site also contains some 1,500 other opportunities as well.


