The Buffalo News: Opinion: Cuomo's model avoids subsidies, replicates success

The Buffalo News: Opinion: Cuomo's model avoids subsidies, replicates success

Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 12:30
SUNY Poly News Logo

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Much has been written about New York’s aggressive investment strategy in the development and manufacturing of next-generation solar power panels and systems.

However, unlike most other states, words like “subsidy” are not part of New York’s vocabulary when it comes to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s proven economic development strategy. Instead, what you are seeing is a 21st century innovation-driven economy rising up across upstate New York.

Here is how it works. The state, in partnership with the world-class State University of New York, home to one of the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art, college campuses in the world, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, invests in land, infrastructure and equipment that attract leading global corporations.

These assets are wholly owned by the state and allow our students and scientists to work in concert with private-sector researchers and scientists in a co-location model at the state owned facilities on breakthrough innovations. This model has created a New York-specific engine for innovation and commercialization that is recognized around the world...
