“Business Etiquette Luncheon”

“Business Etiquette Luncheon”

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 12:14
SUNY Poly News Logo

Career Services’ annual event “Business Etiquette Luncheon” will be held this year on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm. Brian O’Hara Earle, Catering Professional at Cornell University will give a presentation ‘Dining Etiquette’ discussing professional behavior at that important business lunch or dinner meeting. Topics to be discussed are: being punctual, dressing for the occasion, what utensil to use first, etiquette for particular foods and beverages, who should pay the tab, etc.

We hope that you will encourage students to participate in this enlightening, fun, and interactive learning experience.

Register by November 3 on the Career Services website under Business Etiquette Luncheon.

Business casual attire required (no jeans, t-shirts or sweatshirts).
