Business Etiquette Luncheon: November 18, noon

Business Etiquette Luncheon: November 18, noon

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 - 11:05
SUNY Poly News Logo

Please be advised THE upcoming event of the Autumn season on the SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s campus is rapidly approaching!  “The Business Etiquette Luncheon” sponsored by the Director of Career Services, Sim Covington, will be held on November 18, from Noon – 2 pm in the Student Center’s Multipurpose Room.

Come join us and learn proper dining etiquette for that important business lunch or dinner meeting. A wide range of topics will be discussed including being punctual, dressing for the occasion, professional behavior, what utensil to use first, etiquette for particular foods and beverages, who should pay the tab? We hope that you will participate in this enlightening, fun and interactive learning experience!


Registration deadline is November 1.

RSVP at:
