Call for Entries! 8th Annual SUNY Poly Meets MVCC Art Exhibit

Call for Entries! 8th Annual SUNY Poly Meets MVCC Art Exhibit

Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 21:10
SUNY Poly News Logo

We are seeking submissions for the 8th Annual SUNY Poly Meets MVCC that will be in the Gannett Gallery from April 6 to May 5. This exhibit is open to ALL SUNY Poly students. If you are a SUNY Poly student and have artwork or photos that you would like to have in this exhibit, please drop off to the Corporate Events office in Kunsela Hall – Room A239.

Artwork/photos should be framed, mounted, or printed on nice card stock. Include your name, major and class year with your submissions. Deadline for submitting artwork is April 2.

Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 8 4:30-6:30 pm .

There will be poetry and prose readings by MVCC and SUNY Poly faculty and students.


Contact Connie Castellano at x7819 with any questions.
