Call for Entries! SUNYIT Meets MVCC Art Exhibit

Call for Entries! SUNYIT Meets MVCC Art Exhibit

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 10:43
SUNY Poly News Logo

We are seeking submissions for the 7th Annual SUNYIT Meets MVCC that will be in the Gannett Gallery from April 14 to May 2. This exhibit is open to ALL SUNYIT students. If you are a SUNYIT student and have artwork or photos that you would like to have in this exhibit, please drop off to the Corporate Events office in Kunsela Hall - Room A239.

Artwork/photos should be framed, mounted, or printed on nice card stock. Include your name, major and class year with your submissions. Deadline for submitting artwork is April 10.

Contact Connie Castellano at x7819 with any questions.


A reception will be held on Wednesday, April 16 at 4:30 p.m. with prose and poetry readings by SUNYIT and MVCC students, faculty and staff.
