Campus Fire Safety Month - Part 6

Campus Fire Safety Month - Part 6

Friday, September 30, 2016 - 10:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

Good Morning!

We continue our Campus Fire Safety Month with some more ways to be aware of how to be fire safe.

Fire Safety Procedures - Escape

  • Your Dorm / Office has an evacuation plan.  Learn it and participate in all fire drills.
  • Learn the location of all building exits.  Windows are often your second exit.
  • If you have to escape through smoke, crawl low to your exit, keeping your head one to two feet above the floor, where the air will be cleanest.
  • Test doorknobs and spaces around the door with the back of your hand.  If it is warm, try another escape route.  If it’s cool, open it slowly.  Slam it shut if smoke pours through.
  • If you’re trapped, call University Police 315-792-7111 for assistance.  Seal your door and signal from your window.
  • Respond to every alarm as if it were a real fire.

Check out the following video from the People's Burn Foundation - website -

Watch our fire safety videos streaming over the campus TV Channel 10 and watch for fire safety reminders throughout our campus.  Together we can ensure a fire safe community.

Please email the EHS office at if you have any questions.

Sean Clive, Director - Environmental Health & Safety Office
