Chancellor's Award for Excellence Nominations now open

Chancellor's Award for Excellence Nominations now open

Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - 07:36
SUNY Poly News Logo

Nominations are now open for the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Excellence in Faculty Service, Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities. Call for nomination for Excellence in Professional Service will follow and we do not have eligible librarians for the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Librarianship. The attached document provides detailed information with respect to the criteria for each of these awards. For your convenience, a brief summary of the criteria for each award is provided below. Self-nominations are not allowed for any of these awards. Note: the Librarianship Award is not discussed below because we do not currently have an eligible candidate for that award.

The Excellence in Teaching award recognizes "consistently superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate, or professional level in keeping with the State University’s commitment to providing its students with instruction of the highest quality." The criteria further indicate that "There must be positive evidence that the candidate performs superbly in the classroom. The nominee must maintain a flexible instructional policy that adapts readily to student needs, interests and problems. Mastery of teaching techniques must be demonstrated and substantiated. Consideration is to be given to the number of substantially different courses taught, the number of students per course, and the different teaching techniques employed in the various courses." In addition, the nominee must provide evidence of scholarship and of student service. (see pp. 8-9 of the attached document for more details)

The Excellence in Faculty Service award: "To be nominated, a faculty member must demonstrate consistently superior service. Eligible service contributions may occur in a variety of areas including service to the campus, the State University, the local community or contributions at the regional, state-wide, national or international levels. Eligible activities may encompass a combination of service contributions to discipline or disciplinary and professional organizations and societies; and to leadership in local or system-wide faculty governance. The nature of the service must exceed the work generally considered to be part of a candidate’s basic professional obligation (professional committees, etc.) and must include service that exceeds that for which faculty are normally compensated. There must be positive evidence of outstanding achievement and skill in providing leadership, outreach, or other University and/or community service or extraordinary service and leadership in the nominee’s professional organization. The scope of the service must extend over multiple years, must be geared toward effecting positive change and must involve the generous giving of personal time in service to areas previously described." (see pp. 3-4 of the attached document for more details)

The Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities award “supports the pursuits foundational to sustaining the intellectual growth of SUNY institutions by recognizing consistently outstanding scholarly and creative productivity, conducted in addition to teaching, by SUNY’s instructional faculty.” The criteria further indicate that the candidate must present evidence of sound scholarship and/or creative productivity. For scholarship, that can include “An excellent, sustained record of research publications in peer-reviewed journals, and/or research monographs, and/or research-oriented texts; or a record of presenting at national and/or international conferences, presentation of papers published in conference proceedings and/or digests, patents awarded, grants secured, and citation of work by individuals or groups other than the nominee’s collaborators.” For creative activity, “generally the fine or performing arts or those fields where creative productivity constitutes scholarship e.g., culinary arts, etc.,” that can include “A record of excellence in creative activity appropriate for the specific field or discipline, such as exhibitions, shows, performances, productions, and stage work; or a record demonstrating evidence of critical reviews, grants, inclusion of works in permanent collections, retrospectives, and other forms of external recognition and acclaim.” (see pp. 7-8 and p.11 of the attached document for more details. Note: this award requires external peer evaluations - see p. 11)

At the Utica campus, please send nominations for the Faculty Awards (Teaching, Scholarship and Creative Activities, and Faculty Service) to Ron Sarner (, or via campus mail). The deadline for all nominations is the end of the second week in January, 2018 (Friday, Jan 12, 2018).

Policies and Procedures for SUNY Chancellor's Awards for Excellence (pdf)

