CNY Business Journal: ESD awards SUNY Poly’s CATN2 grant funding
for work supporting nanotechnology industry

CNY Business Journal: ESD awards SUNY Poly’s CATN2 grant funding
for work supporting nanotechnology industry

Friday, September 25, 2015 - 16:40
SUNY Poly News Logo

SUNY%20Poly%20CNSE%20logo.jpgA state program has awarded the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Nanoelectronics and Nanomaterials (CATN2) a grant of $9.2 million over 10 years to continue its work supporting the nanotechnology industry.

The Empire State Development (ESD) Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) awarded the funding. CATN2 is located at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (SUNY Poly CNSE) in Albany.

The award enables CATN2 to “continue to drive innovation, commercialization, education and outreach and provide powerful nanotechnology-centered return-on-investment to the state’s economy,” according to a SUNY Poly CNSE news release.

“The CATN2 business-development strategy aligns directly with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s public-private partnership blueprint for upstate New York that is creating the New York NanoTech corridor,” Michael Fancher, executive director of the New York State CATN2 and associate professor of nanoeconomics, said in the SUNY Poly CNSE news release. “…The center will provide critical support to the statewide, nanotechnology-focused open innovation public-private partnership model that has successfully attracted globally recognized industry leaders and encouraged a vibrant entrepreneurial culture.”

CATN2 will use the award’s first installment of $921,000 to support SUNY Poly’s infrastructure that includes shared-use labs and multi-user facilities to attract companies to New York and help those already here to “grow and expand.”

