College of Arts + Sciences Works in Progress Seminar - Oct. 20

College of Arts + Sciences Works in Progress Seminar - Oct. 20

Friday, October 20, 2017 - 08:50
SUNY Poly News Logo

College of Arts + Sciences Works in Progress Seminar

All meetings take place on Fridays from 2-3 pm in the Arts + Sciences Conference
Room, Donovan 2132

Oct 20
Christopher Henke
Director of the Upstate Institute and Associate Professor of Sociology, Colgate University
“Access to Locally-Sourced Food for Low-Income Residents of Upstate New York”


Upcoming Seminars:

Nov 3
Ana Jofre
Assistant Professor of Creative Arts & Technology, SUNY Poly
“A preliminary analysis of faces appearing in Time magazine 1923-2014”

Nov 17
Emilio Cobanera
Assistant Professor of Physics, SUNY Poly
“New geometric principles at ultra-short distances: Are nonlinear differential equations pointing the way?”


Download Works in Progress Seminar schedule (pdf)
