College Association Accepting Applications for Program Funding

College Association Accepting Applications for Program Funding

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 11:46
SUNY Poly News Logo

College Association is accepting applications for program account funding for the 2017/2018 academic year.  College Association takes great pride in being a financial partner to help support the various programs that enhance the life of the SUNY Poly community. If program funding would benefit your department, please contact the College Association office at 792-7341 or and an application packet will be sent to you.

The application packet provides the guidelines on how the applications are evaluated as well as what the College Association will and will not fund.  Please respond no later than February 28 so that we can evaluate the applications and allocate budgeted funds accordingly. We look forward to our continued partnership in growing our campus community.

John M. Reale, Jr.  '95 Director of Auxiliary Services

