Convocation Ceremony Celebrates Start of New Academic Year

Convocation Ceremony Celebrates Start of New Academic Year

Thursday, August 29, 2024 - 16:20
In the News
Dr Reed

To view the entire ceremony, click here.

SUNY Polytechnic Institute held its annual Convocation ceremony earlier today, marking the formal start of the 2024-25 academic year. Each August, this special event also offers the opportunity for our institution to reaffirm its commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, and the academic, cultural, and social growth of our entire community.

Dr. Francia Reed, clinical assistant professor in the College of Health Sciences, and Co-Chair of Undergraduate Nursing Programs, served as the ceremony’s keynote speaker. Her speech centered around the Marvel Cinematic Universe, encouraging students to find their superpower, noting that we are all here to make a difference, not only in our own lives, but also in the lives of others.

“Whether you already know your superpower, or you are just discovering what it is, my challenge to you is to not keep your superpower to yourself,” she said. “You are a part of a team now, the Wildcat team, the class team, the student body, citizens of Mohawk Valley team and the whole team needs what you have to offer. Much like the MCU – we each have different powers or strengths, and we are each needed to make the team whole – and help achieve the mission.”

In addition to Dr. Reed’s speech, President Dr. Winston Soboyejo, Provost Dr. Andrew Russell and Vice President for Student Affairs Jennifer Adams also addressed students, faculty and staff in attendance. Moreover, Dr. Reed and Communications and Media Design Lecturer Gretchen Kriesen were also recognized as recipients of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence at Convocation, a significant honor, and testament to their impact on students and the campus community, as well as their commitment to educational excellence.