Deepa Ramkrishna, MS student in Telecommunications seeks your
help with a survey

Deepa Ramkrishna, MS student in Telecommunications seeks your
help with a survey

Monday, March 14, 2016 - 06:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

I am Deepa Ramkrishna and am currently pursuing a Masters in Telecommunications at SUNY Poly. I am working on my thesis, the key objective of which is to understand what drives mobile service provider choice.

As part of my thesis, I have developed a 5 min online survey that I would like you to take. Your answers will be be kept confidential and will be analyzed only in aggregate.

I need a lot of people to take my survey to obtain enough data to analyze accurately. Hence, your time and opinion are very valuable to me and will go a long way in helping me collect the data and complete my thesis on time. 2587569/What-do-customers-really-seek-from-their-mobile- service-providers

It will be very helpful if you can complete this survey by March 15, 2016 . I also request you to please forward this email to at least 1 of your friends from either SUNY Poly or other universities so that I can improve my chances of getting more data.

Thanks a lot for your time and help.

Deepa Ramkrishna

