Democrat and Chronicle: New leaders share visions for 2016

Democrat and Chronicle: New leaders share visions for 2016

Friday, January 1, 2016 - 09:45
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Democrat and Chronicle: New leaders share visions for 2016

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Education. Arts. Photonics. Fighting poverty.

Going into 2016, they have more in common than you may think.

Each field is important to Rochester's economy and quality of life, and several leaders in those fields will be starting their first full years with their organizations.

We asked about their goals for 2016, how they will be different and what that difference means to Rochester.

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Alexis Vogt

Occupation: Associate professor and endowed chair, optical systems technology, Monroe Community College.

Age: 37.

Place of residence: Brighton.

What's first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

First on my agenda to tackle in 2016 is to help students find summer internships and full-time jobs.  While only January, now is the time to start looking for employment beginning in June.

How are you as an educator and how is the department’s curriculum going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference at MCC?

January marks my fifth month on the job and my colleague Bill Strong’s one year anniversary at MCC.  We both bring to the job years of experience working in the optics industry and we are looking to tailor the MCC optics curriculum around the needs of our industry. ...   In 2016 I will develop a strategic vision and plan for meeting the workforce development needs of the growing optics and photonics industry.

How will you and MCC make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

While working in the optics industry, prior to joining MCC in September, I recognized and repeatedly heard of the unmet need for optics technicians in the Rochester area.  There are more job openings than we have optics technicians to fill the jobs.  Now our goal is to grow our optical systems technology program to meet the needs of our local industry.  Optics is a tremendously exciting field and there is no other place better than Rochester, New York to study optics and work within the optics community.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="540"]635870866197913725-Mike-Liehr-2-.jpg Dr. Liehr is the CEO of the American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics - based in Rochester, New York. (Photo: SUNY Poly)[/caption]

Michael Liehr

Occupation: AIM Photonics CEO and SUNY Poly executive vice president of innovation and technology.

Place of residence: Troy.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year with the institute?

After the meeting of the AIM Leadership Council in mid-December, we are preparing to launch our initial projects within the first few months of 2016. Doing so will complete the process of “standing up” the institute, which we will have accomplished faster than any previous NNMI. Other institutes have taken 14 to 16 months to become operational.  AIM Photonics expects to be operational in half that time, due in part to SUNY Polytechnic Institute, AIM's lead organization, and its expertise in enabling public-private partnerships and industry consortia.

In parallel to signing up “tier 1” companies that will assure the long-term sustainability of the institute, we will be aggressively reaching out to smaller and medium size companies to explore partnership opportunities, with a special focus on the photonics industry in the Rochester area.

How is the photonics-related research at the institute going to be different than the work Rochester has already seen/done?

The focus of AIM Photonics is on “integrated” photonics, which implies the miniaturization of photonic components using nano-electronics technology and equipment wherever possible. While this means that as many components as possible will be integrated on silicon (or glass) wafers for cost reasons, connecting these components to the remainder of any real world product requires sophisticated assembly and packaging. Given this dual emphasis, and following the guidance of Gov. (Andrew) Cuomo, we decided during the proposal submission that we should join Rochester’s strength in test, assembly and packaging (TAP) with the world-class wafer fabrication capabilities at SUNY Poly's Albany NanoTech complex. In addition, the equipment we expect to acquire for TAP can be placed in pre-existing cleanroom space at SUNY Poly’s Rochester facilities, including the Manufacturing and Technology Development Facility where the announcement of AIM Photonics took place.

How will you and the institute make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

We expect that the workforce skills that will be enhanced and developed through this effort, as well as the hub infrastructure that continues to take shape thanks to the support and leadership of Gov. Cuomo, will attract additional industry to the area. The AIM team, including Chairman (Robert) Duffy, is already in discussions with candidate companies to locate efforts in the area.

Additionally, AIM Academy members are leveraging their combined experience in developing world-class workforce training programs to establish integrated photonics educational programs, which will be available through Rochester-area colleges and universities. Aside from the timely training of key technical skills, we expect innovation to result from this vibrant ecosystem of universities and small companies.

Combined with the area’s existing resources and attractions, AIM will undoubtedly make Rochester an even more desirable place to live and work.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180"]635835338787344375-CO-Ballet-111915-B-Feat.jpg New Rochester City Ballet artistic director David Palmer. (Photo: staff photographer)[/caption]

David Palmer

Occupation: Artistic director, Rochester City Ballet.

Age: 54.

Place of residence: Currently house shopping in the Rochester area.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

I set myself a task of meeting 50 new people in 30 days and talking to them about this city, learning about this city. I think I met 42 or something like that, but I’m learning more every single day. My goal was to listen.

I want to cement and solidify our strategic plan. It’s important for me to understand that the board (of RCB) and the organization was committed to working on a strategic plan. That’s one of the first things I want to achieve with the board and I would like to complete that task in January.

How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in your organization or your work?

Being able to have those outside eyes looking inward and then outward again, I can see where we can move this company forward using what I’ve learned from other people in the community and what I’ve learned during my career. I think this is a forward-thinking, on-the-move city.

How will you and your group make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

Arts are for everyone. The arts are very valuable in any person’s life and the ability to see the beauty and the ugliness in life is a great talent. The arts bring those things out for the world to see. I hope that we can work on some very meaningful programs in the near future. Again, one of the things that was important for me as I moved into this position was having a strategy and the way to move forward in the future. And part of that for RCB is certainly going to be in community engagements.

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Heidi R. Macpherson

Occupation: President, The College at Brockport.

Age: 47.

Place of residence: Brockport.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

The college is continuing to work on right-sizing its budget, with the hope that we will have made a $3 million difference in the budget, in a combination of reduced expenses and increased revenue. Once that task is complete, we will be able to start the more structured part of our strategic planning process for the next five years. Already, we know that one focus of our efforts will be on community engagement ... . Parts of the current strategic plan that still resonated strongly with our campus community include engaged students and academic quality, and the learning environment and quality of place. We will build on these tenets as we move into the next planning process.

 How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in your organization or your work?

The college community has asked that we be open to change, and celebrate each other, recognizing our connections and our opportunities. As a result, we will be launching a new engagement opportunity in February, so that we can best find ways to celebrate our successes and build on them. More prosaically, we are also planning to set up a new policy review panel so that we can ensure we have consistency and continuity across our organization.

 How will you and your group make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

We already have more than 30,000 alumni living and working in Rochester and, with them, we can continue to offer opportunities to our students, which may lead to permanent positions and therefore even more alumni in the area. Our faculty and staff live in and around Brockport and Rochester, and I believe they have a positive impact on the greater Rochester area, raising families, attending cultural and sporting events, and enjoying the beautiful outdoors in the surrounding area.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="540"]635805037232370745-denise-a.jpg State University College at Geneseo President Denise A. Battles (Photo: Provided)[/caption]

Denise A. Battles

Occupation: President, State University College at Geneseo.

Age: 52.

Place of residence: Village of Geneseo, Livingston County.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

Jan. 1, 2016, marks the completion of my first six months as SUNY Geneseo’s president.  Having been recruited from outside the college, my initial focus was on listening and learning about the institution — our people, programs, places and position — and engaging with our many stakeholders.   The new year will be an important time for the college as we seek to launch or bring to fruition several key initiatives.

Foremost among those initiatives is the creation and implementation of the campus’ new strategic plan. That document will set out our top priorities for action for the next five years, taking us to Geneseo’s sesquicentennial (150th) year of 2021. In short, the strategic plan, which we expect to finalize by mid-May, will build on our institution’s impressive history and strengths, and identify the pathway by which we will take our college to even greater heights.

How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in your organization or your work?

My primary goal early in my six-month tenure as Geneseo’s president was to become deeply knowledgeable about the college. Now that I am better acquainted with Geneseo’s stakeholders as well as our institution’s strengths, challenges and opportunities —  a journey of learning in which I invited my colleagues to participate — the campus is well-positioned to establish and implement our strategic plan and the priorities that will guide our actions for the next five years.

While the development of the plan will play out over the next several months, some priorities emerged readily and my colleagues and I are taking action to address them.  A recurring theme is the importance of telling SUNY Geneseo’s story to the world beyond campus — especially to prospective students and to the alumni and friends who support our college in so many ways.  As a geologist who has heard one too many references to Geneseo being a “hidden gem,” I have joked that I have some familiarity with gems, and far prefer that they be celebrated rather than concealed.

Another priority is to build upon and expand the college’s community engagement and partnerships.  As Geneseo’s nearest metropolitan area, Rochester offers boundless potential for enhanced collaboration as we continue to connect our students, faculty and staff with scholarly and creative educational opportunities and numerous options for service.

How will you and your group make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

Rochester’s growing high-tech industry will attract graduates from Geneseo’s strong science programs such as physics, which leads the nation for the number of degrees granted annually by bachelors-only physics departments. Geneseo has a remarkably rich series of partnerships with Rochester and surrounding counties that help advance the area’s reputation.  Drawing students from across the state, nation, and even the globe, it is telling that nearly one-quarter of Geneseo’s graduates choose to reside in the Rochester area post-graduation.  By building on our record of successful collaborations, and envisioning and implementing new ones, I foresee tremendous potential for future achievement.

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Gerard J. Rooney

Occupation: President, St. John Fisher College.

Age: 58.

Place of residence: Pittsford.

What's first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

The most pressing item on my agenda in 2016 is to fill the few open leadership positions that we have with the best, brightest, and most dedicated people we can attract — people committed, as we all are at Fisher, to ensuring that our students succeed academically, personally and professionally. I expect to have most, if not all, of these openings filled by the end of the academic year.

How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in your organization or your work?

My first six months in my role as president have confirmed just how critical it is to lead by example. So, in the coming year, I am going to be even more conscious of the example I am setting. My hope is that my own leadership style will inspire others to be more open, more approachable, more inquiring and more collaborative

How will you and your group make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

St. John Fisher College was founded to meet a particular educational need in the Rochester community. So many of our earliest alumni were first-generation college graduates and we continue to attract a significant number of first-generation students who, upon graduation, will make Rochester their home.   Fisher graduates are leaders in virtually every segment of our local and regional economy and are actively engaged in the civic and community life of the Greater Rochester and western New York regions.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180"]B9316647400Z.1_20150318102256_000_GAKA8N4Q1.1-0.jpg Brett Provenzano will take over as Fairport superintendent on July 1. (Photo: Provided photo)[/caption]

Brett Provenzano

Occupation: Fairport Central School District superintendent.

Age: 45.

Place of residence: Perinton.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

In every corner of our organization, we need to create welcoming and safe environments that are conducive to learning, sharing and caring.

How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in your organization or your work?

We are going to focus on the following "drivers" for our organization:

  • Inspiring communication, collaboration and teamwork throughout the organization.
  • Building capacity among school members that focuses on quality teaching and creating high-yield learning environments.
  • Fostering creativity by nurturing the intrinsic motivation of all school members so they can be the best for each other and our students.
  • Thinking systematically to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our diverse school community.

Fidelity to these fundamental ideas will help us provide the very best programming for all ​school members and our community​.

How will you and the Fairport school district make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

We need to focus on making the world a better place. As we approach the new year, we aspire to connect with our area schools to build partnerships that will ultimately contribute to the vitality of our community. Our children are the future; we need to equip them with critical habits of mind and the internal resources to unite around the principles of CARE: Civility, Awareness, Respect and Empathy.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180"]635809506138321111-Fran-Weisberg-1-.jpg Fran Weisberg, CEO of The United Way of Greater Rochester (Photo: Provided photo)[/caption]

Fran Weisberg

Occupation: President and CEO, United Way of Greater Rochester.

Age: 62.

Place of residence: Rochester.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

We will strive to be more community-focused, shifting our concentration and mission from traditional fundraising to a broader emphasis on community-wide solutions. As part of our new strategic plan, we’ll be seeking measurable improvement in community outcomes in our Community Fund-supported programs and services, increasing our community engagement in issues like poverty with our convening role in the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative at United Way, and continuing to cultivate a strong team to get this all done.

How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in United Way?

2016 will be a year of growth and action. We will be focusing on new and different ways to engage with community partners, individuals and organizations to build solutions and to make sure we're all rowing in the same direction.

Our organization also will complete our new Blueprint for Change funding strategies for community investment focused on four major impact areas: 1) helping people meet their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing; 2) giving babies a healthy start to life with support for new parents; 3) setting students on a path for success in school, work and life; and 4) supporting older adults and their caregivers. Our Community Fund Blueprint for Change strategies and investments will center on addressing poverty-related challenges and on providing inclusive services for people with disabilities.

How will you and your group make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

Rochester already is a great place to live, work and raise a family. But it is not equitable for everyone. 2016 is a special moment in time when we can identify what needs to change, find solutions and then get community-wide agreement on goals moving forward. If we come together as one community to think bolder and work hand in hand, we can build an even stronger, brighter city and region where everyone thrives.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180"]635804472367142415-Leonard-Brock.jpg Leonard Brock, director of the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative. (Photo: Provided)[/caption]

Leonard Brock

Occupation: Director of the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative.

Age: 34.

Place of residence: Rochester.

What’s first on your agenda to tackle in the new year?

I would like to focus on implementation and execution of proposed strategies, building out demonstration projects that will allow us to tease out what works and what doesn’t work — the intended and unintended consequences.  (Personally), (s)pending deliberate time with family and getting healthier so I can sustain the pressure and strain of the responsibilities ahead.

How are you going to be different in 2016? And how will that change make a difference in your organization or your work?

My goal is to continually get better. ... I want to focus on results.  ... I want to position new, local leadership and get different voices to the table … .I want to move the community forward and challenge us all to think and behave differently.

How will you and your group make Rochester a place others want to be and stay?

Poverty does not attract people to Rochester; actually, poverty drives people away from Rochester.  ... Our work to reduce poverty and increase the number of families that are self-sufficient not only makes Rochester attractive, it helps Rochester thrive.  There are many assets in Rochester, but the current blight paints a vivid contrast.  Rochester will be an ideal place for people to live, work and play.  ...  It’s our job to realize this potential.

Includes reporting by staff writers James Goodman, Justin Murphy, Khristopher J. Brooks and Will Cleveland.
