Democrat & Chronicle: 10 things to know about how AIM Photonics will operate

Democrat & Chronicle: 10 things to know about how AIM Photonics will operate

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 16:05
SUNY Poly News Logo

aimlogo.pngThe National Photonics Initiative is a collection of top scientists who study light.

The group held a webinar Tuesday to update the public on the inner workings of Rochester's American Institute for Manufacturing for Integrated Photonics. The $600 million federally funded research facility slated to open in January has been touted by government leaders as the biggest economic boom for Monroe County since George Eastman said "You press the button, we do the rest."

Here are the biggest, most important specifics the lay person should know regarding how AIM Photonics will work.

10.  WHAT TOPICS THE SCIENTISTS WILL EXPLORE In general, the research will center on defense and national security. Another significant part of the research will focus on energy, health care and communications, as well as manufacturing. Individual groups of scientists and researchers will come together and propose different topics. These groups, under the AIM Photonics structure, are called Technical Working Group.



Khristopher J Brooks, @AmericanGlow 6:06 p.m. EST November 17, 2015
