Did you provide the required medical records?

Did you provide the required medical records?

Monday, August 31, 2015 - 10:59
SUNY Poly News Logo

Did you forget to provide the SUNY Poly Health and Wellness/Counseling Center a copy of your immunization record and physical examination?  We need them and we need then now!

The due date has passed and soon we will be de-registering students per the NYS Public Health Laws.

Please provide your required medical information to the Health & Wellness/Counseling Center, Oriskany Hall, Suite B or fax it to (315) 792.7371.  Office hours Monday through Thursday 9 AM to 6 PM, Friday until 5 PM.  A private entrance assures easy access and confidentiality.

We will assist you in obtaining your records from your health care provider with your written permission.

Questions? Please call the Health & Wellness/Counseling Center – phone (315) 792.7172, fax (315) 792.7371.
