Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic

Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic

Monday, July 6, 2015 - 14:46
SUNY Poly News Logo

Please mark your calendars for the Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic scheduled for Thursday, July 23, 2015, 11:30 AM, location TBD. Flyer will come out soon and tickets will be available beginning Friday, July 10, 2015, from:

Pam Palazzo - Kunsela Hall

Kristy Cieslak - Cayan Library

Tina Rothwell - Facilities Building

Any offices and/or departments that are interested in donating a gift basket for the auction, please contact Connie Castellano, 7819 or castelc@sunypoly.edu, with the name of the basket and/or theme, as well as whom it is being donated by. Stay tuned for more information! Thank you!

