Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic

Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic

Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 09:36
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Summer Picnic Committee is working diligently to create a "fun fair" feel for the annual Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic scheduled for Thursday, July 30th, 2015! Auction, fun & games, and great barbecue menu by Sodexo, it is sure to be a great time for networking with friends and colleagues! Be sure to purchase your tickets by July 24th from:

  • Pam Palazzo, Kunsela Hall
  • Kristie Cieslak, Cayan Library
  • Tina Rothwell, Facilities building

The menu consists of:

  • Grilled Bourbon Steak Sandwich & Veggie Burgers
  • Hoffman Hotdogs
  • BBQ Chicken
  • Salads: Tossed & Broccoli Cavatelli & Creamy Cucumber
  • Salt Potatoes
  • Baked Beans
  • Beverages: Pink Lemonade & Bottled Water
  • Desserts: Watermelon Wedges & Strawberry Shortcake with Biscuits

Any offices/departments who would like to donate a gift basket for the auction, please contact Connie Castellano, 792.7819 or castelc@sunypoly.edu with the name of the basket and/or theme, as well as whom it is being donated by.

See you on the 30th!
