Featured Speaker - February 10, 2015 - Dr. Bimal Roy

Featured Speaker - February 10, 2015 - Dr. Bimal Roy

Friday, February 6, 2015 - 10:40
SUNY Poly News Logo

On Tuesday, February 10th, from noon to 2 pm, Dr. Bimal Roy, former SUNY Polytechnic Institute faculty member and now the Director of the Indian Statistical Institute, will be speaking in Kunsela A129 (Kunsela Cafe). The abstract and Web page follow.

Title: Software Reliability from Crowd-Sourced Software Testing

Abstract: The Internet has enabled a completely new approach to software testing: crowd-sourced testing (where users of a software, at a global scale, use a software product and report its defects in a voluntary and uncontrolled manner through the Internet). Crowd-sourced testing is a cost effective strategy for software quality improvement and is an increasingly popular method in industry.  However due to its uncontrolled and voluntary nature, almost no existing model for software reliability can be used to make reliability inferences.  I will talk about new procedures we have built to address this important problem.

Web page: http://www.isical.ac.in/~ bimal/
