Financial/Auditing Specialist Employment Opportunity

Financial/Auditing Specialist Employment Opportunity

Friday, February 6, 2015 - 14:08
SUNY Poly News Logo

Marketing Firm seeking a Financial/Auditing Specialist with accounting, auditing, or bookkeeping

background with outstanding mathematical, problem solving skills and solid real-world high-level

Microsoft excel experience. The job will require the selected candidate to manage and audit media buys

and invoices and track media delivery against promised purchases. It will be an auditing role which will

require attention to detail and exceptional problem solving and reconciliation skills. Number literacy is a

must and the ability to reconcile purchases to invoices and report errors, and solve differences will be

critical. The right candidate will need to work directly with the Media buying team, Account team and be

comfortable reaching out to media outlets to resolve conflicts and differences.

Must be extremely detail oriented and organized. Microsoft Excel experience required.


See job #3855020 for more information.
