Fire Drills - Fall 2016

Fire Drills - Fall 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 10:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

In accordance with regulatory requirements, SUNY Poly conducts regular Fire Evacuation Drills in all buildings.  In the next few weeks, fire drills will be conducted in our Academic, Administration, and Dorm buildings to ensure the systems we have in place are working as designed, and to ensure that proper evacuation procedures are followed.

A few things to remember when responding to Fire Alarms:

  • Unless designated or authorized to stay within a building during an alarm situation, all persons must evacuate when the fire alarm is activated.
  • Leave your room / area in an orderly fashion but do so without delay.
  • Close (and lock) all office / room / suite doors and windows.  Open all shades, blinds, or curtains.
  • Be sure co-workers and roommates have evacuated your area.
  • Please exit the building using the appropriate exit for your work area - generally the main exits are to be used unless they are blocked.  Follow exit signs.
  • With the possibility for inclement weather, please be sure to have appropriate outerwear available.
  • Assemble away from the doorways of the buildings.  The doorways are exits so people will be leaving the building through these doors.  They are also entrance ways for the fire department and other first responders.  Generally, building occupants should be at least 50 feet from the buildings.
  • Out of respect for your fellow employees and students, please do not smoke in the assembly areas during fire evacuation drills.
  • Please be aware of persons who may need assistance when exiting buildings.  If a wheelchair is is use, or the person cannot navigate the stairs, please help them find an area of safe refuge (e.g. enclosed stairwell) and notify University Police (315-792-7111) of the person's location.
  • Even if the alarm has stopped, do not reenter the building until advised to do so by University Police or other authorized personnel.

Please contact the Environmental Health & Safety Office at 315-792-7101 or if you have any questions.

Have a safe day!

Sean Clive

Environmental Health & Safety Office - 315-792-7101

