Fort Schuyler Management Corporation Board of Directors
Unanimously Votes to Open Meetings to Public

For Release: Immediate – June 22, 2016
Contact: Jerry Gretzinger, Vice President of Strategic Communications and Public Relations
(518) 956-7359 |
ALBANY, NY – Fort Schuyler Management Corporation (FSMC) today announced that at FSMC’s quarterly organizational meeting Tuesday, the board of directors voted to open all future board meetings to the general public. The measure will take effect immediately and will follow the New York State Open Meetings Law.
“Contrary to a misleading media report yesterday, the board had to convene and then act, which it has done. It has always been the intent of the board to ensure openness and transparency in all of its decision making processes, including subjecting itself to FOIL and posting volumes of documents online for public review,” said FSMC Chairman Jerry Barber. “I applaud our board members for showing such strong support for opening all future meetings to the public. Our operations and business practices have always been subject to multiple layers of oversight and we are proud of the high marks we have consistently received from auditors at the New York State Comptroller’s Office. We welcome the opportunity for the public to join us at future meetings.”
FSMC has always operated in a fashion consistent with similar New York not-for-profit organizations, including SUNY affiliated corporations, with its processes governed by federal and state rules and regulations. As such, the bylaws did not require that board meetings be open to the public. Prior requests from the general public or members of the press to attend FSMC board meetings could not be considered until the board approved the open meetings amendment.
FSMC’s operations, processes, and finances are all subject to on-going public oversight, including oversight by a number of public authorities and agencies such as Empire State Development Corporation, Public Authorities Control Board, and the New York State Comptroller.
Fort Schuyler Management Corporation.Fort Schuyler Management Corporation (FSMC) is a key component in New York’s knowledge driven economy, as envisioned by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. FSMC is a State University of New York (SUNY Polytechnic Institute) affiliated, private, not-for-profit, 501c(3) corporation that facilitates research and economic development opportunities in support of New York’s emerging nanotechnology and semiconductor clusters. Specifically, FSMC develops, constructs and manages world-class research, development and commercialization facilities to enable public-private partnerships in conjunction with Governor Cuomo’s START-UP NY initiative. FSMC’s ownership of all facilities and infrastructure promotes and secures educational, innovation, and commercialization operations in support of the State of New York and the State University of New York.