How’s your instructor doing? Tell us!

How’s your instructor doing? Tell us!

Friday, November 22, 2013 - 12:54
SUNY Poly News Logo

The IDEA Center Student Ratings of Instruction is used to evaluate SUNYIT courses through a survey that focuses on what the instructor was trying to teach and what you learned. Your responses will be helpful to the instructor and SUNYIT!

If your course is selected, you will receive an email from asking you to take the survey starting Tuesday, November 26, and ending on Saturday, December 14.  Reminder emails will be sent every two days until the survey is completed or the deadline passes.

Survey responses go to the IDEA Center, and instructors receive the percentage of responses and rankings of questions. You and everyone who fills out the survey will remain anonymous.

Please fill out the survey—this is your opportunity to help your instructor and SUNYIT improve the quality of your education. If you have difficulty accessing the survey, please email Carol Berger at

