Improve your alertness, mood, productivity and quality of life!
learn everything you must know about sleep, but are too tired to

Improve your alertness, mood, productivity and quality of life!
learn everything you must know about sleep, but are too tired to

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 17:03
SUNY Poly News Logo

On Tuesday, March 25th at 12:15pm in Kunsela Lecture Hall, Dr. James Maas will present "Sleep for Success!"

Dr. Maas is a leading authority and international consultant on sleep and performance and will share everything you must know about sleep, but are too tired to ask!  Dr. Maas will teach you how to value sleep and show its relationship to health, happiness and academic and athletic performance.

Dr. Maas explores the nature of sleep, focusing on such questions as:

Why most people are sleep deprived and what are the serious consequences for thinking, performance, health and lifespan?

What are the five different stages of nocturnal sleep and how important are they to daytime functioning?

What does recent brain imagery (fMRI’s) research on thinking, performance and athleticism show that proves the need for maximum sleep each night?

How can we accurately measure at home the amount and quality of our sleep?

How can you increase your athletic performance overnight?

Is napping healthy?

What causes insomnia? What’s available to help you sleep better and longer?

How do you establish a great bedroom environment for maximum sleep quality?

What are the three golden rules and ten sleep strategies that will assure you a great night's sleep? 

This program is free and open to all.

Sponsored by Presidents Programming Initiative, Residential Life and Health & Wellness & Counseling Center.


