Invitation to FREE Cornell University IT@Cornell Conference

Invitation to FREE Cornell University IT@Cornell Conference

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 12:31
SUNY Poly News Logo

Posted by FACT-rep



Dear Colleagues,

Cornell University is pleased to announce its fourth annual IT@Cornell Community Conference on Thursday, June 25, 2015. IT@Cornell is exploring the theme of “Connecting the Past, Present and Future” of technology, and for the first time we are opening this free conference to visitors from regional colleges and univer sities. We would love to have you join us for a day of exciting speakers and workshops!

The conference begins at 9:00am in Bailey Hall with high-impact, insightful, and interactive plenary sessions featuring four national leaders in educational and research technologies.

The first plenary includes Ken King and Ira Fuchs, two key contributors to the development of the Internet, who will have an informal conversation featuring entertaining stories about their decades-long record of accomplishments, collaboration, and friendship, all of which helped set the stage for global technology-driven change.

The second morning plenary features Maria Klawe and Irene Qualters, who will quiz and challenge one another about current and emerging issues in educational and research technologies, and the foundational changes we are all experiencing as computer technology continually advances.

During the afternoon, conference attendees will be able to choose from a variety of workshop sessions. Topics include academic technologies, cloudification services, the IT career framework and how to use and manage various enterprise systems in an academic environment. At the end of the day, there will be a closing session with free ice cream from the Cornell Dairy Bar and a “Cool Tools” section where participants can play with new forms of technology.

Registration to the conference is free!

Please forward this information to anyone on your staff or faculty who you think would benefit from the conference. If you would like more information, or a poster, please contact Liz Field, 607-255-8958, or

For more information and to register, please see:


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Cindy Wagner

Administrative Assistant Information Technologies, Cornell University 234 Day Hall, Ithaca, NY  14853 T.  607.255.5172 |  E. cw14@cornell.ed

