Job Opportunity for College Students

Job Opportunity for College Students

Friday, February 6, 2015 - 14:41
SUNY Poly News Logo

National Student Leadership Conference

Site Assistant Job Posting

For over 20 years, the National Student Leadership Conference has invited a select group of outstanding high school students

to participate in its fast-paced, high-level, interactive summer sessions. Sponsored by the National Student Leadership Foundation, a

501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpartisan, education organization, the NSLC provides students with the opportunity to experience life on a

college campus; develop essential leadership skills; and explore a future career through exciting simulations, exclusive site visits and

interactive meetings with renowned leaders in their chosen field.

Site Assistants are responsible for completing the daily tasks of the NSLC on-site office, not directly teaching or

working with the NSLC students. SAs generally work the entire summer, from set-up to break-down of the site.

 Work with the Office Manager to complete all daily administrative tasks in the on-site office

 Prepare for and facilitate program arrival and departure days

 Assist the program staff with setting up program activities

 Assist with Site Set-up at the beginning of the summer and Site Break-down at the end of the summer

 Serve as a liaison between the NSLC on-site office and the NSLC Enrollment Office

 Serve as a liaison between the NSLC on-site office and the University or Conference Center.

 Serve for the betterment of the NSLC students and staff.

Requirements for Employment

 Must be a current college student.

 Microsoft Office (Excel and Word) proficiency is required.

 Must be a self-starter, flexible and willing to work long hours.

 Must have a valid U.S. Driver’s License and be comfortable with driving in major cities.

 Ability to perform physically demanding tasks such as moving and delivering materials.

 Applicants should be familiar with the NSLC.

 Office/secretarial work experience.

 Experience working with youth programs or summer camps is preferred.

 Familiarity or experience with audio/visual equipment (LCD projector, microphones, speaker systems).

 Comfortable with administering first aid or assistance to students.

Dates, Location & Compensation

The NSLC runs conferences at several major universities will be seeking Site Assistants for each office. Dates will

vary depending on the site for which you apply. Site assistants will be paid $880 at the end of each session. NSLC pays for

room & board, as well as transportation to and from the conference.

1. Go to

2. Click on “Summer 2015 Job Application”

3. The position is listed as “Site Assistant-Office.” You can apply for multiple sites from the same application. Make sure to

check the start and end dates for each site as they do differ.
