Join us for fellowship and support lunch on Oct. 3

Join us for fellowship and support lunch on Oct. 3

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 11:29
SUNY Poly News Logo

While we have all seen the devastation in recent weeks caused in places like Texas, Florida,  the Caribbean Islands and other areas, the impact of these disasters can hit much closer to home than we realize. Many lives are impacted, including those of some of our own SUNY Poly students and their families. At a time of crisis, it's important to have support.

That's why on Tuesday, October 3 from Noon-1pm in the Residence Life Suite (2nd Floor of the Campus Center), we'd like to invite all students who have felt the effects of the hurricanes and tropical storms, either directly or through family residing in those impacted areas, to come together for a chance for fellowship and support.

We hope you'll join us and help each other make it through such a trying time.   If you are unable to make it, or are on our Albany campus, please email me directly at

Lunch is sponsored by the Office of Residential Life.
