Join us to honor our veterans on Nov. 11

Join us to honor our veterans on Nov. 11

Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 16:25
SUNY Poly News Logo

You are cordially invited to attend SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Veterans Recognition Event to commemorate Veterans Day on Tuesday, November 11, in the Student Center Multipurpose Room from noon - 2 pm

We are excited to welcome speakers: Dr. Patrick Welch, US Marine Corps (Retired), Congressman Richard Hanna, and Lance Tlustos, US Navy, President of the Student Veteran Organization at SUNY Poly.

We will start our event at noon with a color guard ceremony and then welcome our speakers. 
There will be a light lunch with a slide show in honor of our veterans and their service to our country.

RSVP required and should be made to by October 24.

Date: Tuesday, November 11

Location: Student Center MPR

Time: Noon - 2:00 pm
