k-Space Partners with SUNY Polytechnic Institute to Advance III-N
Research via In-Situ Thin-Film Characterization

kSA ICE Reduces MOCVD Process Development Time
Dexter, MI. January, 2015 – k-Space Associates, Inc. and the Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) at SUNY Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly) announce a joint collaborative effort in III-Nitride materials research. The focus of this collaboration is to improve III-Nitride material quality, growth parameters, and device performance through the use of the kSA Integrated Control for Epitaxy tool (kSA ICE) to provide in-situ measurements of film stress, temperature, and growth rate. Real-time stress evolution information during growth will result in the substantial reduction of the number of experiments that are currently required to obtain high quality III-Nitride device structures with multiple heterojunctions.
In this truly collaborative research and development effort, k-Space donated a complete ICE tool to SUNY Poly Associate Professor of Nanoengineering Dr. Shadi Shahedipour-Sandvik’s research group and provided engineering assistance to fully integrate and test the ICE in-situ metrology tool on the college’s D-180 MOCVD Reactor.
Darryl Barlett, CEO of k-Space Associates, Inc., explained, “We supplied an ICE tool to the SUNY CNSE group with the goal of providing them with high quality real-time metrology required for their research while receiving feedback on the performance of our tool. Shadi and her group have far exceeded our expectations. For example, their research in III-Nitride buffer development for integration on to both Sapphire and Si substrates makes excellent use of our in-situ film stress technology, kSA MOS. We are anxious to share these results when published.”
“Furthering Governor Andrew Cuomo’s high-tech public-private partnership blueprint for growth and educational opportunities, we are thrilled to work with k-Space, utilizing their top-of-the-line k-Space Integrated Control for Epitaxy tool to enable in-situ measurement of growth stress evolution. This system, one of only a few available to academics, is an enabling tool that is sure to speed up the process of discovery and development. Our current NSF, Army, and NASA funded projects are focused on the development of novel single-photon UV detectors, high-power transistors, and fundamental research into non-polar III-Nitride growth. We are very excited about being able to gain real-time growth-related information using the kSA ICE system,” said SUNY Polytechnic Institute Associate Professor of Nanoengineering Dr. Fatemeh (Shadi) Shahedipour-Sandvik. “The use of this tool ensures greater process control and it furthers the advanced research that is ongoing at the world-class $20 billion Albany NanoTech Complex. We are excited to provide k-Space with detailed data that will advance their knowledge of materials behavior, as this tool enables a unique platform for educating our undergraduate and graduate students."
To learn more about SUNY CNSE, visit www.sunycnse.com. To learn more about kSA ICE, visit http://www.k-space.com/products/ksa-ice/.
About k-Space Associates, Inc. k-Space Associates, Inc. is a leading supplier of advanced instrumentation and software for the surface science and thin-film technology industries. Founded in 1992, its systems are used for monitoring wafer temperature, thin film stress, deposition rate, thickness, material absorptive properties, and Reflective High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED). Backed by a commitment to ongoing support, these solutions are currently used worldwide in research and production line monitoring of compound semiconductor-based electronic, optoelectronic, and photovoltaic devices. Extensive input and close collaboration with its worldwide customer base has led to the development of today’s most powerful thin film characterization products. For information visit www.k-space.com.
About SUNY Polytechnic Institute SUNY Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly) is New York’s globally recognized, high-tech educational ecosystem, formed from the merger of the SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering and SUNY Institute of Technology. SUNY Poly offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the emerging disciplines of nanoscience and nanoengineering, as well as cutting-edge nanobioscience and nanoeconomics programs at its Albany campus, and degrees in technology, professional studies, and the arts and sciences at its Utica/Rome campus. As the world’s most advanced, university-driven research enterprise, SUNY Poly boasts more than $20 billion in high-tech investments, over 300 corporate partners, and maintains a statewide footprint. The 1.3 million-square-foot Albany NanoTech megaplex is home to more than 3,500 scientists, researchers, engineers, students, faculty, and staff, in addition to Tech Valley High School. The Utica/Rome campus offers a unique high-tech learning environment, providing academic programs in technology, including engineering, cybersecurity, computer science, and the engineering technologies; professional studies, including business, communication, and nursing; and arts and sciences, with degrees and course offerings in natural sciences, mathematics, humanities, and social sciences. Thriving athletic, recreational, and cultural programs, events, and activities complement the campus experience. SUNY Poly operates the Smart Cities Technology Innovation Center (SCiTI) at Kiernan Plaza in Albany, the Solar Energy Development Center in Halfmoon, CNSE’s Central New York Hub for Emerging Nano Industries in Syracuse, the Photovoltaic Manufacturing and Technology Development Facility in Rochester, and the Smart System Technology and Commercialization Center (STC) in Canandaigua. SUNY Poly founded and manages the Computer Chip Commercialization Center (Quad-C) on its Utica campus and also manages the $500 million New York Power Electronics Manufacturing Consortium, with nodes in Albany and Rochester, as well as the Buffalo High-Tech Manufacturing Innovation Hub at RiverBend, Buffalo Information Technologies Innovation and Commercialization Hub, and Buffalo Medical Innovation and Commercialization Hub. For information visit www.sunycnse.com and www.sunypoly.edu.