League of Legends 3v3 Tournament

League of Legends 3v3 Tournament

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 00:00
SUNY Poly News Logo


Team up with 2 other students and choose champions from a specific region to fight on the Twisted Treeline for the right to conquer the Shadow Isles for whatever purpose you decide. Will The Winter's Claw claim the Shadow Isles in defiance of the Avarosan? Will the legions of the Void tap into new magic and power? Can Noxus use these lands in its battles against the other city states?

Come to the STG meeting on September 24th (10:00pm in the SA conference room on the second floor of the Student Center) to hear the list of champions that will represent each region. On September 26th, you and your two other team mates must choose champions from the same region in this list, and can only play that champion for the duration of the event.

You will then be pit against teams from other regions in a bracket to last the course of the month (these will not be in-person matches). The final battle will occur live on October 25th. Spectating will occur in the upstairs theater, and then a party will follow for the rest of the night.

Additional details can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/events/558190820974383/
