Lecture, Managing Sexual Offending Behavior, April 21

Lecture, Managing Sexual Offending Behavior, April 21

Friday, April 17, 2015 - 00:58
SUNY Poly News Logo

Erik N. Schlosser, Forensic Psychologist and Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice/Sociology, will present "Managing Sexual Offending Behavior in New York State: Current Trends, Future Directions," a review of current practices of managing those who engage in sexual offending behavior in light of the 2007 Sex Offender Management and Treatment Act, on Tuesday, April 21, 7-8:30 p.m., in the Student Center theater. Review will include treatment, supervision, and financial considerations of current practices. Possible future practices will also be discussed in light of current national trends with an eye towards policies that are effective and sustainable. The event is free and open to the public.
