LoHudBlogs: Biden, Cuomo to be Rochester on Monday

LoHudBlogs: Biden, Cuomo to be Rochester on Monday

Friday, July 24, 2015 - 09:17
SUNY Poly News Logo

Cuomo-Biden-Airport.pngVice President Joe Biden will be in New York on Monday for an announcement in New York City and Rochester to announce that the region won a nationwide competition as the site for an Institute for Manufacturing Innovation.

The Rochester announcement i s expecte d to be a boon for the region and create a growing consortium between the Albany-based nanocenter and the Rochester-area technology sector.

Sen. Chuck Schumer b roke t he news yesterday to Gannett’s Washington Bureau that New York had won the highly competitive contract that said Wednesday he learned of the decision from high-level Obama administration officials and sources in Rochester.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo will join Biden at a formal announcement Monday morning in Rochester.

