LoHudBlogs: Biden, Cuomo to be Rochester on Monday

LoHudBlogs: Biden, Cuomo to be Rochester on Monday

Friday, July 24, 2015 - 09:20
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share the following article with you from LoHudBlogs:

By Joseph Spectoron July 23, 2015


Vice President Joe Biden will be in New York on Monday for an announcement in New York City and Rochester to announce that the region won a nationwide competition as the site for an Institute for Manufacturing Innovation.

The Rochester announcement i s expecte d to be a boon for the region and create a growing consortium between the Albany-based nanocenter and the Rochester-area technology sector.

Sen. Chuck Schumer b roke t he news yesterday to Gannett’s Washington Bureau that New York had won the highly competitive contract that said Wednesday he learned of the decision from high-level Obama administration officials and sources in Rochester.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo will join Biden at a formal announcement Monday morning in Rochester.

“This is amazingly good news for Rochester,’’ Schumer said. “For Rochester to become the center of excellence in one of the most, if not the most, promising areas of job creation in the country could well be a game-changer. Not only are the jobs that are created by the center important, but it could bring many, many companies creating hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs to the area.’’

Rochester’s selection means it will receive $110 million in grant money from the Defense Department. That will be complemented by a $250 million commitment in state funding and another $250 million from private-sector partners, giving the photonics hub a $610 million kickoff.

The hub could produce jobs for the region on the same scale as the Route 128 corridor in Massachusetts and Silicon Valley in California, Schumer said.

The Research Foundation for the State University of New York, along with the SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Albany, served as the lead agency in the consortium that applied for a multi-state Integrated Photonics Institute for Manufacturing Innovation to be headquartered in New York.

The state, however, has been mum on the award.

“As the lead and host institution of the NY consortium, SUNY Poly has no comment on those reports until if and when a public announcement is made by the White House or the Department of Defense,” the college said in a statement.
