In memory of Eleanor Cirelli

In memory of Eleanor Cirelli

Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 12:19
SUNY Poly News Logo

As a followup to Peter Perkins' remarks at the Employee Recognition Luncheon this past Tuesday, here are the details regarding the fundraiser in memory of Eleanor Cirelli:

Earlier this year, members of the Student Association approached the SUNYIT Foundation to identify an opportunity to memorialize Eleanor and honor her many years of dedicated service to our college and students. It was decided that naming the Student Association Suite in the Student Center would be a meaningful and lasting recognition of Eleanor's hard work.

The goal was established to raise a minimum of $10,000 to make this naming opportunity a reality. To date, the Alumni Association ($1,000), the College Association ($2,000) and the Student Association ($5,000) have made pledges toward this initiative.

To make a gift in memory of Eleanor, please contact or visit the Development Office. You may contribute by check (made payable to the SUNYIT Foundation with a memo indicating 'Eleanor Cirelli Fund') or through the online fundraising site created by our Student Association (

All contributions made in memory of Eleanor will be used to cover the cost of purchasing a bronze memorial plaque, with the remainder going to support student scholarships.

A letter on behalf of the Foundation and Student Association is in the process of being distributed to all faculty and staff members. If you have not yet received your letter, please understand that they are being distributed in two waves. The first half of the letters were delivered last week. The remainder of the letters were printed this morning and will be delivered by the end of this week. A copy of the letter has also been attached to this post.

Please direct any questions to the Development Office at x7273 or by emailing

The SUNYIT Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any gift made to the SUNYIT Foundation is fully tax deductible. A tax receipt will be provided once your gift has been received.

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