Message from Acting President Robert Geer regarding 2013 SEFA

Message from Acting President Robert Geer regarding 2013 SEFA

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 17:30
SUNY Poly News Logo

Dear SUNYIT employee,

I am writing to ask that you consider supporting the 2013 the State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) campaign, an annual effort that offers NYS employees the opportunity to contribute to charitable causes in local communities and to organizations that are statewide, national, or international in scope. Each year, the SEFA Campaign runs from September through December.

Last year in our three-county area, more than $230,000 was donated thanks to the generosity of our region’s 8,000 state employees—including many of you here. This voluntary effort has been an effective partnership of state employees, public employee unions, management and not-for-profit organizations for decades—and it supports those charities that work to make a difference in the Mohawk Valley and across the state. Contributing through SEFA to the charity or charities or your choice is easy, and your department or area’s SEFA captain will provide details. 

Thanks for your consideration of this worthwhile effort.


Robert Geer,Acting President
