NCS students excel in National Cyber Defense Competition

A team of SUNYIT students placed second in the regional qualifying round of the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, the largest competition of its kind in the U.S.
Students in the Network and
Computer Security Club—team captain Michael Burke, Patrick
Araya, Jacob Hartman, Matthew Lapinski, Anthony Miller-Rhodes,
Elisha Myers, Peter Shipman, Robert Sleys, accompanied by SUNYIT
staff member and team coach Nick Merante—faced off against
teams from all over the Northeast March 8-10 at the competition
in Orono, Maine. Outperforming much larger institutions such as
Syracuse University, Northeastern and Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, the SUNYIT student team was second only to Rochester
Institute of Technology.
"What's remarkable is that it’s the first year our students
have competed, and they advanced to the regional event and
finished second—an outstanding effort," said John Marsh,
associate professor of computer science. "Their performance was
made possible by help and support from Assured Information
Security, Inc., and Northrop Grumman Corporation of Rome, N.Y.,
and Yahoo. We’re looking forward to building on this
effort next year."
The annual competition, according to its organizers,
"focuses on the operational aspect of managing and protecting an
existing 'commercial' network infrastructure . . . students get
a chance to test their knowledge in an operational environment .
. . and is a unique opportunity for students and industry
professionals to interact and discuss many of the security and
operational challenges the students will soon face as they enter
the job market."
SUNYIT offers a bachelor of science in network and computer
security (NCS) and recently announced that a master's degree
program in NCS will be offered starting in the fall semester.
Photo courtesy University of Maine. With the SUNYIT team (at right) is George Markowsky, associate director of the UMaine School of Computing and Information Science.