Need Volunteers for SUNY Blooms

Need Volunteers for SUNY Blooms

Monday, June 2, 2014 - 15:35
SUNY Poly News Logo

Those wishing to volunteer to help with our annual SUNY Blooms planting to help beautify our campus must let Connie Castellano (X7819 or know by tomorrow morning (June 3). Food needs be ordered for the workers, and we need to place that order by tomorrow morning.  An accurate headcount is needed.

We will be planting at Kunsela, Donovan, Cayan Library, and the Campus Center on Thursday, June 5.  Meet at your designated building at 9:00 and work with your colleagues on this rewarding annual event.  Join the group for planting followed by a delicious lunch.

If there is no place to plant around the building you are located, join in with any of the groups. Many hands make light work.  Thank You!
