NY Daily Record: Thousands attend SUNY Polytechnic Institute activities

NY Daily Record: Thousands attend SUNY Polytechnic Institute activities

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - 13:52
SUNY Poly News Logo

More than 3,000 people attended Community Day events this weekend at three SUNY Polytechnic Institute locations across the state.

[caption id="attachment_13535" align="alignright" width="401"]3-nano-feature-brief-5.jpg Visitors to the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering’s Smart System Technology & Commercialization Center in Canandaigua engaged in a number of interactive demonstrations showcasing nanotechnology’s impact and New York state and SUNY Poly’s global leadership in this scientific field.”[/caption]

Participants learned about powerful scientific concepts underpinning advances in technology. Community Day was the official start of SUNY Poly’s seventh annual community outreach initiative known as “NANOvember,” a celebration of nanoscale science and engineering-based know-how that has wide application to daily life.

The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering’s “NANOvember” kickoff event highlights New York state’s growing high-tech sector with open houses in Canandaigua, Utica and Albany.

CNSE’s Smart System Technology & Commercialization Center in Canandaigua offered tours, presentations and family friendly, nano-enabled activities to showcase capabilities related to its cutting-edge sensor and system-on-a-chip technologies.

In Utica, hundreds of visitors were able to peek inside the SUNY Poly Computer Chip Commercialization Center (Quad-C), which is still under construction, to see an integral part of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s recently announced $1.5 billion ‘Nano Utica’ initiative, in addition to taking part in kid-friendly nano activities.

Activities continue throughout the month. For a complete list of events, along with pre-registration, visit www.sunycnse.com/NANOvember.aspx.


NY Daily Record: Thousands attend SUNY Polytechnic Institute activities Staff | November 4, 2014


