NYS & CSEA Partnership--Deadline August 14

NYS & CSEA Partnership--Deadline August 14

Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 16:15
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Partnership is still accepting applications up to August 14 for the fall 2015 Adult Education Basics (AEB) Regional Program for CSEA Central Region 5 (Syracuse).

The AEB Regional Program uses an exciting immersion approach to help CSEA-represented NYS employees improve current job-related knowledge, learn new skills for improved work performance, and enhance their learning capacity. It also helps them master skills in everyday life and instill confidence in their work and personal lives.

Employees who apply for the AEB Regional Program will have their reading, writing, language, and math skills assessed. Based on the results of their assessment, employees will be placed into a 78-hour, 13-session AEB skills course that begins in September or October and ends in January 2016.

For more information about the program or to register, please view the attached promotional flyer and application form or visit www.nyscseapartnership.org/ AebRegional/AebRegional.cfm . The application deadline for the AEB Regional Program is August 14 , so please register soon because classes fill quickly. All employees must receive the approval of their supervisor, CSEA local president, and director of human resources in order to attend courses unless the courses are held on your pass days. For further information about the AEB Regional Program, please call Ms. Gary Bartolina Campbell at (518) 486-7814 , or email gary.campbell@nyscseapartnership.org .

Attachments area
Preview attachment AEB Region 5 Flyer & Application - Fall 2015.pdf
AEB Region 5 Flyer & Application - Fall 2015.pdf
152 KB
