Online Education Symposium, Sept 25, at Stony Brook University

Online Education Symposium, Sept 25, at Stony Brook University

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 10:55
SUNY Poly News Logo

The SUNY Stony Brook University Faculty Center Presents

ONLINE EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM Challenges, Infinite Possibilities, and Triumphs

9 AM - 4:30 PM, Friday, Sept. 25th Student Activities Center $20 Registration Fee

In Partnership with SUNY Stony Brook Faculty Center.  SUNY CPD Points may be used for payment of registration fee.  Contact about availability of SUNY CPD points. Register at the SUNY SB Faculty Center website.

Learn about best practices to ensure online quality

·        Discover how to effectively transition from face-to-face teaching

·        Get a sneak peek at instructionally valuable resources and technologies you can use

If you are considering online delivery for a course, department or program, or you are just curious about online teaching and learning, this symposium is your one-stop shop.

For more details visit the Stony Brook faculty center website.
