Parking lot near Kunsela Hall satellite dishes

Parking lot near Kunsela Hall satellite dishes

Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 14:10
SUNY Poly News Logo

This is a special notice to anyone using the temporary parking area near the Kunsela satellite dishes.

A contractor will begin work at the Kunsela lower loading dock Monday Oct. 5. This project will block the sidewalk connection at Wildcat Drive currently being used as a driveway to the temporary lot.

Those wishing to continue parking there will need to enter Q-lot and drive through to the temporary lot. Traffic cones will be placed to identify the drive thru connection.

Also note that any deliveries to Kunsela will need to make arrangements other than use of the lower loading dock. Please contact Tina 792-7456 if there are questions regarding shipping and receiving to Kunsela Hall.
